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"Deep Pockets" Excerpt


     Harry was alone in the elevator. He pushed the button labeled "21" and experienced the creaky and shaky elevator ride typical of older buildings. When the doors opened and he tried to exit, two large and muscular men in janitorial garb pushed him back and one of them stuck a gun in his ribs.

     "You're in for an exciting morning," one of them said with a sardonic grin on his unshaven face. "Mr. Durov has arranged an entertainment for you. It's a once in a lifetime experience."

     "Where is Durov?"

     "He apologizes for not providing personal hospitality, but he sends his best wishes along with us."

     They got off on the 36th floor and the two goons shoved Harry toward the window.

     "Quite a view of Downtown Detroit," the one with the gun said. "Take your time to savor it. It may be the last thing you see."

    Harry's mind was working fast. He was furious with himself for letting down his guard and walking into what he was certain would be a trap. But he had no time for self-recrimination. It was clear to him that he couldn't physically take on these huge thugs, even if they weren't armed.

     He needed a strategy. So far, they hadn't frisked him, so he still had a long blade strapped to his leg in a protective sheath. But can I get to it, he wondered, without them stopping me? I wish I had the pistol I left in the car. That was stupid.

     He tried a distraction.

     "Who is Nick Durov?" he asked. "Is he connected to the Finster law firm?"

The two men looked at each other. One of them shrugged. "I guess it's ok to tell you since you won't be telling anyone else. Durov's organization controls many law firms. Finster takes his orders from him. Now, Mr. Grouch, sorry to rush things, but it's time and we have another assignment. So, get ready."

     "So, you plan to shoot me? I'm an FBI agent. Do you really want to take on the FBI. They'll hunt you to your graves."

     "Of course not. You're going to commit suicide by jumping from this window. That's our preferred idea. However, if you don't like it, well, we'll have to take the risk and waste a bullet on you. Durov said to remind you that you were warned to give up your malpractice investigation. He regrets that it's come to this. Now," the man said, waving his gun in Harry's face, "move to the window. Let's get this over with."


Excerpted from Deep Pockets, Copyright © 2017 by Robert Tell, All Rights reserved.

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