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Through the Wall Street canyons I pursued him.

He never seemed to tire or stop for breath.

Up Broadway to the Village. Things looked grim.

I wondered if he'd lead me to my death.


I was in great shape but I began to tire

as he rerouted to Delancy Street.

I drew my gun but did not dare to fire

as glancing back he beat his fast retreat.


I glimpsed his face there in the pale street light,

and saw his wet beard red with human blood;

My God! I hoped my distant night eyesight

had misconstrued as blood some harmless crud.


As we approached the Bowery and Grand Street

he turned to face me and I sure did see

large canine fangs shining in the street light

and feared that these would be the end of me.






Once upon a frightening time

the town was gripped with monstrous crime.

The East was ruled by Gorfagog

(a thirty ton gigantic frog)


who blocked the roadways in and out

of Tan-Ta-Ro, and whose snout

contained a tongue of fearful length

and also of surprising strength.


This Gorfagog would love to show

his tongue to those who did not know;

and those who got a bit too near

quite suddenly would disappear.


Zap and Snap! That tongue would fly,

and victims would be forced to cry:

"Please help us, help us, Tan-Ta-Rog.

Please save us from mean Gorfagog."






"Barney Bittle, do not whittle

toys or other things that need

pieces from my trunk or middle,

from my branches or my seed."


Barney stopped and raised his eyes.

A weeping willow dripping tears

looked down from the hidden skies

and told Barney of its fears.


"Once," it said, while crying sapdrops

that sticky stuck upon the ground,

"willows grew like happy crops

that never cried and never frowned."


"That was very long ago.

Before your time without a doubt.

We thrived on tons of rain and snow;

but that was long before The Drought."








Higby Hyscorer,

young space explorer,

was off to the moon again.


Selected by NASA

as being first class, a

young man with a talented brain.


The purpose was clear.

Sometime the next year,

a shipful of people would leave


green Earth behind

and hope they would find

a place on the moon to achieve


a new way of life

without Earthbound strife.

Some thought this project naive.








For those of you that think that golf is dull,

here's a tale that may affect your view—

for on the fourteenth hole a human skull

was in the bunker where my golf ball flew.


Annoyed at messing up my three wood drive,

I mumbled cusses underneath my breath.

Thinking that I should have used my five,

I came upon this detritus of death.


I was not prepared for this macabre sight.

A sand trap hazard wasn't on my docket.

My ball had ended its haphazard flight

teed up upon the grinning skull's eye socket.


This may have been the evidence of crime,

but first I faced the challenge to my play.

Could I move the errant ball from this hard lie?

What guidance did the P.G.A. convey?



Excerpted from Police Story, Copyright © 2013 by Robert Tell, All Rights reserved.

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